Create NFT

Fatsale series NFT creation #

Fatsale supports the creation of NFTs of multiple public chains such as BSC, ETH, and OKX, and flexibly supports multiple creation methods. Your work can be generated as an NFT in a few minutes.

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which is a digital asset standard used to represent and trade unique digital assets or items on the blockchain.

The NFTs created by Fatsale are all series NFTs, each set of NFTs can contain multiple individual NFTs, and each NFT has its unique serial number in the series

The following takes the OKX chain as an example to describe in detail the various creation methods provided by Fatsale.

1. Choose NFT type #

Enter the NFT creation page:

  • Mint Method:

    • Project owner minting: Choose to mint NFT by the project owner. When the NFT is successfully created, all NFT will be deposited in the creator’s wallet at the same time.The project owner will distribute it by itself.There is no upper limit for the NFT minted in this way.The project owner can issue additional NFT in the console at any time

    • Retail minting: If you choose to mint NFT by retail investors, you can set the minting fee. When the NFT is successfully created, the platform will generate an exclusive DAPP page. The user pays the fee in the DAPP for minting. This method supports the invitation rebate function. For example: setting minting The handling fee is, for every 1 NFT minted, 1 OKT needs to be paid, and the referral rebate is a three-level recommendation, and the rebate ratio is 3% 2% 1%. Then when the user mints 1 NFT, he pays 1 OKT, part of which is used as The handling fee (currently 5%) is collected by the Fatsale platform, and a total of 6% of the recommendation fee will be transferred to the recommender’s wallet (if there is no recommender, it will be transferred to the project party’s wallet), and the remaining fees will be transferred to the project square wallet

  • Upload resource:

    • Same URL: For example, if your set of NFT contains 10 NFTs, then these 10 NFTs will have exactly the same attributes (same name, description and image)

    • Different URL: For example, if your set of NFT contains 10 NFTs, then these 10 NFTs can each have different attributes (different names, descriptions, and images)

  • Total Supply: When the minting method is selected as retail minting, there will be a total supply fill-in box, and this value indicates the number of NFTs in this series, which is the upper limit of NFT minting. This value cannot be changed after the creation of NFT is completed.

  • First minting quantity: When the NFT is successfully created, the specified number of NFT will be automatically minted and deposited into the creator’s wallet

    • When the minting method is project owner minting, this value is the total amount, assuming that it is filled here as 100, when the NFT creation is completed, all 100 NFTs will be deposited in the project party’s wallet

    • When the minting method is retail minting, assuming that the total amount is 100, fill in 10 here, when the NFT creation is completed, the NFT with the serial number 1~10 will be deposited into the wallet of the project party , the NFT with serial number 11~100 will wait for retail investors to mint in DAPP.

After filling in, click the [Next] button to enter the NFT information filling page.

2. Fill in the NFT information #

Public parameters:

  • Name: The full name of this set of NFT

  • Symbol: The symbol of this set of NFT

  • Invitation promotion: This parameter is for display only. After opening the invitation promotion, the user can generate an exclusive promotion link and bind the promotion user with a superior-subordinate relationship. After the subordinate mints NFT, the superior will get promotion rebates. This function needs to be created after the NFT is created. Manually open in the administrator panel. (Only charge a basic fee when creating an NFT, and manually open this function requires an additional fee)

  1. When the Minting method we choose in the first step is retail minting, here needs to be filled in:
  • The number of NFTs that can be minted by each user: The same address, the maximum number of NFTs that can be minted in DAPP

  • Minting fee: In DAPP, retail investors need to pay for every NFT minted

  1. When the Upload resource we choose in the first step is Same URL, only one resource needs to be uploaded here, and all NFTs share this resource, and additional filling is required at this time:
  • Description: The description copy corresponding to NFT

3. Upload NFT resources #

When the upload resource we selected in the first step is Different URL, the platform provides multiple ways for creators to upload these different URLs

  • Store resources in IPFS: All your resources will be stored in Fatsale’s IPFS service, and the storage fee will be calculated separately according to the size of your resources, and will be paid uniformly at the time of creation

    • Bulk Upload Image: Name your images according to the format we specified, and put them in the same folder. Click this button to upload the folder. For example, the contents of your folder are:

      Then after the upload is complete, you can see the serial number and the corresponding picture preview, and the parsed list is as shown in the figure:

      At this point you can use another [Set NFT information in batches] button to set the name and description corresponding to each NFT in the list

    • Set NFT information in batches: We provide two ways to perform batch settings:

      • If you want all NFTs to use the same name or description, please use [One-Click Setting], enter the name or description, and click the [Batch Setting] button below.

      • If you want to use different names and descriptions for NFTs with different serial numbers, please use [Settings via Excel] to download the Excel template file Finally, fill in the serial number and corresponding name and description according to the format, and then re-upload to the platform. For example, the completed Excel file is:

        Then when uploaded to the platform, the set NFT information is:

  • Use third-party storage services: If you have uploaded your resources to storage services such as AWS S3 or Alibaba Cloud, then you can organize your resource links into our given format and use them directly. without re-uploading. Click here to download the Excel Template provided by us, assuming the information to be filled in is:

    Then after re-uploading, the obtained NFT information is:

After setting the NFT information, click the [Start Upload] button at the bottom of the page, your NFT configuration will be uploaded to IPFS, and then click the [Next] button to enter the project information filling page

4. Fill in the project information #

  • If your minting method is project owner minting, you don’t need to fill in this page, just click [Next].

  • If your minting method is retail minting, you need to fill in the project information, which is used to display to users in the minting DAPP. The specific filling method is the same as presale project information

After filling in, click the [Next] button to enter the final confirmation page

5. Confirm #

After checking the information is correct, click the [Finish] button below.

After waiting for the transaction to complete, your NFT will be successfully created.