1. View my NFT list #

Click the [NFT->My NFT] button in the sidebar to view a list of all NFTs you have created

If the minting method is project owner minting, then the minting button will be displayed in the list for the project side to issue additional NFT

2. Additional issuance of NFT #

Click the “minting” button on the far right of the project whose “minting Method” is “Project minting” to enter the NFT issuance page.

  • If the Upload resource is Same URL, then you need to fill in the additional page:

    • Number of additional issues: For example, the original number of NFTs is 10, and the number of additional issuances filled in here is 20, then after the additional issuance, the total number of NFTs in this series is 30

    • Receiving address: The newly issued NFT will be saved to this address

  • If the upload resource is a Different URL, in addition to the additional quantity and receiving address, you also need to re-upload all resource files of your NFT. The upload method is the same as Upload NFT resource the process is exactly the same


Due to the limitation of IPFS, files cannot be added to the existing directory, so when uploading resource files, you need to re-upload all files.

For example: The total amount of original NFT is 10, and 20 NFTs are newly issued, then all resources of 30 NFTs need to be re-uploaded