NFT Reward Template

Create Token #

Fatsale supports the token creation of more than ten public chains such as BSC mainnet and BSC testnet. Token templates include common economic models such as tax templates and dividend templates. You can create your own Token in a few minutes

The token mechanism will be described in detail below. The mechanism and operation of all chains are the same, so you can draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

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Description of template mechanism (swipe right) #

NFT can be used as a certificate for project shareholders

This template can be used to pay dividend transaction taxes to shareholders holding NFT

Marketing: Tokens are deducted and exchanged for U into the marketing wallet 'when triggered'
Liquidity : Tokens are deducted, and the pool is automatically added to the pool 'when triggered'
Burn: Tokens are deducted and sent directly to the black hole for destruction

Dividends: Tokens are deducted and dividend tokens are redeemed 'when triggered' and distributed to users holding NFT

Parameter Description #

  1. Name : Name of the token

  2. Symbol : The symbol of the token

  3. Decimals : The decimals of this template is 18 by default and cannot be changed

  4. Total Supply : The total supply of token issuance cannot be increased, fixed issuance, if the total amount is too large, the accuracy needs to be reduced

  5. Buy tax rate (you can leave blank or fill in 0 if you don’t need it):

    • Burn tax rate: Each purchase will deduct the corresponding proportion of tokens and send them to the black hole address to achieve the purpose of destruction
    • Liquidity tax rate: Each purchase will deduct the corresponding proportion of tokens and send them to the contract address, when the trigger mechanism will automatically add to the pool to make the pool thicker
    • Marketing tax rate: Each purchase will deduct the corresponding proportion of tokens and send them to the contract address, and will be automatically converted into USDT when the trigger mechanism is sent (depending on the pool you choose) to your marketing wallet address
    • Dividend tax Rate: For each purchase, the corresponding proportion of tokens will be deducted and sent to the contract address, which will be automatically converted into USDT (depending on your dividend tokens) when the trigger mechanism occurs and will be distributed to users holding NFT
  6. Sales tax rate (can be left blank or filled with 0 if not needed):

    • This part is the same as the purchase tax rate explanation
  7. NFT Address : Fill in the NFT contract you created

    Notice! The NFT needs to be a standard ERC721 protocol and ensure the normal call of the function (ownerOf) used to obtain the nft holder in the NFT! In order to ensure the normal calling of ownerOf, it is not recommended to burn NFT.

    It is recommended to use NFT created by Fatsale

  8. Marketing wallet : Enter your marketing wallet to obtain USDT or BNB benefits from marketing tax

  9. Select Currency:

    • If BNB is selected for this option, BNB should also be selected when adding pool
    • If USDT is selected for this option, USDT should also be selected when adding to the pool
    • In short, whatever is selected in this option, what should be added to the pool
  10. Select exchange:

    • If you select Pancakeswap for this option, you need to go to Pancakeswap to add pool
    • In short, which swap is selected in this option, which swap should be added to the pool

Switch Instructions #

  • Manually open transaction
    • Select it: You need to turn on the trading switch in the console to be able to trade, and it cannot be closed again after opening
    • Not selected: can be traded immediately after adding to the pool
    • Choose it: After manually opening the transaction, the block will be automatically killed. Killing 3 blocks means that the address bought in the first 3 blocks (bsc about 9 seconds) will be automatically blacked out
    • Don’t choose : Don’t choose if you don’t choose
  • Tax Rate Switch
    • Choose it : The slippage can be modified by the switch after the token is created
    • Not selected : Slippage cannot be modified after the token is created
  • Transfer deduction switch
    • Choose it: The transfer will deduct tax, and the deducted tax will go to the contract address, and the distribution ratio is consistent with the transaction setting
    • Not selected: No tax will be deducted for transfer
  • Address fission
    • Choose it: Each transaction will automatically airdrop little bit tokens to random addresses to achieve the effect of increasing currency holding addresses
    • Don’t choose : Don’t choose if you don’t choose
  • Blacklist function
    • Choose it: You can add and remove the blacklist, if you enable kill block at the same time, you can use the remove function to remove the blacklist for the address that was killed by mistake
    • Not selected: The blacklist cannot be set and removed, and the blacklisted address in kill block cannot be removed
  • Limit Transaction :
    • Select it: You can set the maximum number of transactions for a single transaction
    • Don’t choose : Don’t choose if you don’t choose
  • Limit the maximum holding amount
    • Select it: You can set the maximum number of tokens held in a single wallet
    • Don’t choose : Don’t choose if you don’t choose

Frequently Asked Questions #

  • When NFT distributes dividends, how to set the amount of dividends sent to users?

    • The default amount is 0.1. For example, if USDT is divided, the default is 0.1U. If WBNB is divided, the default is 0.1 WBNB. Of course, the value of WBNB is too high. It is recommended to lower the single dividend amount in the console.
  • What is the logic of this NFT dividend?

    • For example, the current Token will distribute USDT dividends to users who hold NFT, and the dividend tax is set to 2%. Then the tax deduction during token transactions will be automatically converted into USDT and automatically distributed to users. Due to the default dividend The quantity is 0.1U. When dividends start to be distributed, dividends will start from the holder with NFT number 1.
      • Sent to the holder of NFT number 1 0.1 USDT
      • Sent to the holder of NFT number 2 0.1 USDT
      • Sent to the holder of NFT number 3 0.1 USDT
      • . . . . .
      • And so on over and over again. The quantity of 0.1 can be modified in the console. If the NFT circulation is too high, it is not recommended to adjust the value too high.
  • Can I add a pool to Pancake swap Various swap….?

    • You need to add the pool to the swap you chose when you created the token. For example, if you choose Pancakeswap, then you need to go to Pancakeswap to add the pool
  • Can you add pool with USDT Doge SHIB?

    • The dividend template must have a BNB pool, add other pools to see the relevant answers below
  • Is the code automatically open-sourced?

    • Yes, all chains with complete block browser facilities are automatically open source, including ETH BSC ARB…etc
  • Is the marketing wallet into tokens or USDT?

    • The marketing wallet enters the dividend token you choose. If you choose USDT, you will enter USDT, and if you choose DOGE, you will enter DOGE
  • I checked Manually open transaction, can the whitelist buy before opening the transaction

    • Yes, your coin wallet and marketing wallet are whitelist addresses by default. Whitelist addresses can be traded before the transaction is opened, and are not bound by the transaction switch
  • Can I add different pools to different swaps

    • Yes, but there are conditions. For the sake of convenience, give a direct example. You chose PancakeSwap and BNB pools when you created them. Now you go to BabyDogeSwap next door and add a USDT pool. Then you need to transfer your new Copy the LP Contract of the added pool, find the Add Transaction Pair button in the console, and input the new LP Contract to add, this is the step that only needs to be set when adding other pools (Remarks for beginners: trading pair = LP = pool, the contract addresses of these three are the same)
  • Where did the tax deduction go for other swaps or other pools added

    • Go to the contract address, see the article below for details, the same is true for distribution
  • What does the trigger mechanism mentioned above mean

    • General non-whitelist addresses have sell operation, which will trigger marketing, backflow and other mechanisms
  • For example, I set up 1% destruction, 2% return and 3% marketing for both purchases and sales, so how is my transfer tax allocated?

    • Not only the transfer, but also the tax deduction for buying and selling is first entered into the contract address. When a non-whitelisted user sells, it will trigger a mechanism to distribute the tokens in the contract. Since the destruction is destroyed for each transaction, the distribution at this time does not need to consider the destroyed part, and the proportion of the reflowed part is (2+2) / (2+3+2+3) where 2+2 represents Buy backflow + sell backflow, 2+3+2+3 represents buy backflow + buy marketing + sell backflow + sell marketing, so the proportion of backflow is calculated, Then it will be automatically converted into USDT or BNB (this is related to your pool) and automatically added to the pool. Similarly, another part of the distribution of marketing tax will be automatically converted into USDT or BNB (this is related to your pool) ) into the marketing wallet
  • Where did the part of the LP that returned to the automatic pool go?

    • The LP generated after returning to the pool is automatically distributed to the Marketing Wallet