Verify Token Contract

Verify Your Token #

Through Fatsale, when issuing tokens on infrastructure-improved chains such as BSC, ETH, ARB, etc., the contract will automatically become verified without the need for manual operations.

However, on chains such as HECO, Doge and others with limited functionality in their block explorers, automatic verifying is not available. In such cases, users need to manually verify their token after the creation process is complete.

The following takes HECO as an example to describe in detail the program to verify

If you don’t know the token creation process yet, please click here to view the one-click token creation tutorial

1. View open source parameters #

On the confirmation page of creating tokens, the “Open Source Parameters” tab will be displayed, and the information can be expanded after clicking, marking various parameters that need to be used when verify

At this time, there is no token information on the chain, so you need to click the Confirm button below, pay the handling fee, and continue the open source operation

Explanation of open source parameters

  • Optimization: Whether the optimizer is turned on, after turning on, it can generate a more streamlined assembly code

  • Runs: Specifies the approximate frequency with which each opcode of the deployed code will be executed throughout the lifetime of the contract

  • Solidity Viersion: compiler version

  • License: open source agreement

2. Enter the block explorer #

After the token is created, click the Enter Block Explorer button in the open source panel to jump to the HECO block explorer, or you can manually enter the browser and search for the generated token contract in the search box

In the contract details, switch to the Contract tab below, and then click the Verify and Publish button to enter the open source interface

3. Fill in the content #

According to the parameters in the Fatsale Open Source Panel, fill out the form

  • Compiler Type select Single file

  • Compiler version selection 0.8.4

  • Open source protocol chooses MIT

Click continue to continue filling in the details

  • Optimization select No

  • Click the Copy Source button in the Open Source panel and paste it in Contract Solidity Source Below

  • Click the Copy Construction Arguments button in the Open Source panel, and paste in Constructor Arguments

  • If Optimization is No, you don’t need to fill in the number of Runs in Misc Setting below, if it is Yes, you need to change Runs to the corresponding value in the open source panel

4. Complete verify #

Click Verify and Publish below to complete the verification